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Team Members

Jay Cassella

Jay Cassella


As the HLA President since 2018, Jay's main goal is to bring the HLA into the 21st century. The goal is also to assemble a Board of Governors with the same drive and passion. Restoration and modernization is the path. Moving forward is the goal.

Bob Kiehm

Bob Kiehm


Cynthia Porriello

Cynthia Porriello

Three Year Board Member

Cindy has proven to be quite a valid asset both on the Board and with her roles as a member of both the By-Law Committee and the Audit Committee. If that's not enough, Cindy has also taken the responsibility for the boat registration campaign with great care for our lake.

Brian Polak

Brian Polak

Vice President

Brian Polak is currently serving his first year term as Vice President. As one of our newest members of the Board, Brian’s main goal is to be a liaison with the community to help address issues and concerns. He is a former member of the Road Committee as well as being active in many community activities including beach clean-ups, installation/removal of the beach blankets, and road/brush clean-ups.

Sheri Berger

Sheri Berger

Tax Collector

Sheri began serving on the board as a Three-Year-Board-Member and a member of the Audit Committee prior to becoming the Tax Collector. In an ongoing effort to bring HLA into the 21st century, she has upgraded the tax collection process to an online format using the same options and conveniences used by the Town of Haddam. Sheri also serves as a member of the Lake Committee.

Laurel Hoynoski

Laurel Hoynoski

Three Year Board Member

Laurel Hoynoski is one of our newest members to the Association. Laurel join the Board in June or 2022 and has already proven to be an asset to the board and to our community.

Frank Nunes

Frank Nunes


Our current elected Recording Secretary is Frank Nunes, a civil servant with over 25 years of service to the citizens of CT. Having recently retired from the Dep of Correction as a Parole Officer, Frank is a small business owner and 14 year HLA member. Frank recently joined our BOG with a goal of fostering increased community engagement, transparency and improved communication about the day to day of our Association amongst our entire diverse membership. Frank can be reached at his official email address:

Heather Edelson

Heather Edelson

Three Year Board Member

Heather has been an association member for the past 6 years. She is serving on the board as a Three Year Board member for her forth year. Heather has been a great asset to our community in way of volunteering when ever she can and is not afraid to get her hands dirty for us. She brings alot of experience in different areas. She has been a Human Resorces Director, a Financial Director, a business owner for 26 years and a realtor for over 30 years.

Lloyd Pearson

Lloyd Pearson

Past President

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